Our Services
Auto Repair Services
State-of-the-Art Auto Mechanics with a Woman’s Touch
You deserve an auto mechanic who will never oversell you. A mechanic who will respect you and patiently explain what’s going on with your vehicle. If you’re concerned about being taken advantage of at an auto shop, you can check that worry at the door.
Oil Change
Motor oil is your engine’s essential lubricant. Keep your car or truck running smoothly with a regular oil change.
Check Engine Light
Our top-of-the-line scanning system allows Auto Repair Mom to properly diagnose why your check engine light is on.
Steering & Suspension Repair
To keep your car riding safely and smoothly, Auto Repair Mom can fix all your steering and suspension components.
Vehicle Maintenance
At Auto Repair Mom, we’re all about preventative maintenance to help extend the life of your vehicle.
Bailey Holston / Owner
An experienced and talented mechanic, Bailey Holston has been servicing vehicles for 12 years now. After completing the CPCC automotive program, she earned her chops working in many different auto repair shops throughout greater Charlotte. With five Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certifications to her credit, Bailey has been a shop forewoman, managing many certified technicians and a variety of expensive equipment before striking out on her own to found Auto Repair Mom.
Why Choose Us
Your Car-Doctor
Top Service
Worry Free
Cost Effective
Trust Is Everything
Quality Products
Below are some of the more frequently asked questions.
Yes, Auto Repair Mom has five ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) certifications from the National Institute for Automotive Excellence. As a customer, this means your vehicle is being serviced by the best – an experienced and knowledgeable professional. Throughout the country, there are only about 250,000 ASE-certified technicians.
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